"You aren't the only one who's out for BLOOD, brother!"

If you want to reach out to me as soon as possible, please contact me via Discord (may have to friend me to be able to chat if we don’t have mutual servers). I also have Instagram, though I am more active on Discord (regardless, both are acceptable).

PayPal or Cashapp ONLY, I don’t take any other payment method.

You will not pay until I begin sketching/am nearly done with the sketch, as soon as I am I will message you letting you know to send the money + I will show my progress right after being paid.

If seen fit, I will charge extra for: heavily altering already finished pieces, having no clear reference images of a character.

ETA can be anywhere between a few days/a week to roughly 1 1/2 months, please don’t rush me during this time as it can lead me to lose motivation. (However, you may feel free to ask how things are going with the drawing/asking if I have any progress shots :]).

If I don’t think I can complete or draw something for you I’ll refund you or decline if I instantly know it’ll be overwhelming.

I will NOT draw any kind of nsfw, despite the fact I am an adult I do not feel comfortable drawing nsfw for others.

You may use my art for commercial use, but please remember to credit me when doing so.

Do NOT tamper with the watermark I add to my art, I most likely won’t let you commission me again if you alter/remove the watermark.